23. Parameter (P). Displayed only in Level II Programming.
The number displayed by #23 identifies which
parameter is currently displayed.
24. Cycle (C). The number displayed by #23 is the current
cycle in the regeneration sequence.
25. Hardness setting—only used with 298 conditioners.
26. Capacity display—shows estimated system capacity.
Keypad — Buttons
Figure 30
1. DOWN arrow. Generally used to scroll down or incre-
ment through a group of choices.
2. SET. Used to accept a setting that normally becomes
stored in memory. Also used together with the arrow
3. UP arrow. Generally used to scroll up or increment
through a group of choices.
4. Regenerate. Used to command the controller to
regenerate. Also used to change the lock mode.
If a button is not pushed for thirty seconds,
the controller returns to normal operation mode.
Pushing the Regenerate button immediately returns
the controller to normal operation.
Programming Conventions
The 700 series controller is programmed using the
buttons on the keypad. The programming instructions are
described two ways whenever a section has keypad
First, a table shows simplified instructions. Second, text
follows that describes the action. In each table:
"Action" lists the event or action desired.
"Keys" are listed as:
UP for up arrow
DOWN for down arrow
SET for set
REGEN for regeneration
"Duration" describes how long a button is held down:
P/R for press and release
HOLD for press and hold
X sec for a number of seconds to press the button
and hold it down
"Display" calls out the display icons that are visible.