leave plastic
items on the cooktop-
they may melt if left too
close to the vent.
not leave any items on
hot air from the vent may ignite flammable items
and will increase pressure in closed containers,
which may cause them to burst.
To avoid the possibility of a burn, always be
certain that the controls for all burners are at
the OFF position and all grates are cool before
attempting to remove them.
When flaming foods are under the hood,
turn the fan off. The fan, if operating, may
spread the flames.
If range is located near a window, do not hang
long curtains that could blow over the top burners
and create a fire hazard.
If you smell gas, turn off the gas to the range and
call a qualified service technician. Never use an
open flame to locate a leak.
Lower Oven:
Keep the oven vent duct unobstructed.
Keep the oven free from grease buildup.
Stand away from
cooking center when
opening the oven door. The hot air or steam which
escapes can cause
to hands, face
Do not heat unopened food containers.
Pressure could build up and the container
could burst, causing an injury.
Never leave the oven door open when you are
not watching the cooking center.
Place the oven shelf in the desired position
while the oven is cool. If shelves must be handled
when hot, do not let pot holder contact heating
units in the oven.
Pulling out the shelf to the shelf stop is a
convenience in lifting heavy foods. It is also
a precaution against bums from touching hot
surfaces of the door or oven walls.
When using cooking or roasting bags in oven,
follow the manufacturer’s directions.
Do not use your oven to dry newspapers.
If overheated, they can catch fire.
Do not
cleaners on the oven inside
or any of the continuous cleaning surfaces.
Continuous cleaning surfaces can be identified
by their rough surface finish,
Your cooking center, like so many other household
When the floor covering ends at the front of the
items, is heavy and can settle into soft floor
cooking center, the area that the cooking center will
coverings such as cushioned vinyl. When moving
rest on should be built up with plywood or similar
the cooking center on this type of flooring, use care.
material to the same level or higher than the floor
Do not install the cooking center over kitchen carpeting
covering. This will allow the cooking center to be
unless you place an insulating pad or sheet of l/4-inch
moved for cleaning or servicing.
thick plywood between the cooking center and carpeting.
Leveling legs are located on each corner of the base
of the cooking center.
Your cooking center must be level in order to produce
proper cooking and baking results. After it is in its final
location, place a level horizontally on an oven shelf
and check the levelness front to back and side to side.
Level the cooking center by adjusting the leveling legs.
Both of the rear leveling legs will engage the Anti-tip
bracket (allow for some side to side adjustment).
Allow a minimum clearance of 1/8” between the
cooking center and the leveling legs to permit
installation into the Anti-tip bracket.