rough handling is evident, file a damage claim at once with the trans portation
company and promptly notify the neares t General Electric Sales Office.
Exercis e reas onable care when unpacking the relay s o that none of the parts are
damaged nor the adjus tments dis turbed.
If the relays are not to be ins talled immediately, s tore them in their original
cartons in a place that is free from mois ture, dus t and metallic chips .
If foreign
matter collects on the outs ide of the cas e it could find its way ins ide when the
cover is removed, caus ing trouble when operating the relay.
The cas e can either be s urface or s emi-flus h mounted on the panel, and an
ass ortment of hardware is provided.
The cover attaches to the cas e and carries the
res et mechanis m when one is required.
Each cover s crew has provis ion for a s ealing
The case has s tuds or s crew connections at both ends
for the external
connections .
The electrical connections between the relay units and the cas e s tuds
are made through s pring-backed contact fingers mounted in s tationary molded inner
and outer blocks .
Two removable connecting plugs , which complete the circuits , are
nes ted between the molded blocks .
The outer blocks, attached to the case, have
s tuds for external connections , and the inner blocks have terminals for internal
connections .
The relay mechanism is mounted in a s teel framework called the cradle.
It �s a
complete unit with all leads terminated at the inner block.
This cradle �s held
firmly in the cas e by a latch at the top and the bottom, and a guide pin at the back
of the cas e.
The cas e and cradle are s o cons tructed that the relay cannot be
ins erted upside down in the cas e.
Bes ides making the electrical connections between
the res pective blocks of the cradle and cas e, the connecting plugs als o lock the
latch in place.
The cover, which is fas tened to the case by thumbs crews , holds the
connecting plugs in place.
To draw out the relay unit, firs t remove the cover, then draw out the plugs.
Shorting bars are provided in the cas e to s hort the current-trans former circuits .
Release the latches, and the relay unit can be eas ily drawn out.
To restore the
relay unit to its cas e follow the revers e order.
A s eparate testing plug can be ins erted in place of one of the connecting plugs
to tes t the relay in place on the panel, either from its own s ource of current and
voltage, or from another source.
Or, the relay unit can be drawn out of its case,
and replaced by another relay that has already been tes ted in the laboratory.
Install the relay in a location that is clean and dry, free from dus t and
exces s ive vibration, and is well-lighted to facilitate ins pection and tes ting.
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