SECTION 6-lnterlocks
AKR breakers are equipped with safety interlock devices
that are required by Industry Standards and Certifying Au
thorities. I nterlock devices for special applications are also
available as options. The standard interlock devices de
scribed below are used only on drawout breakers. Station
ary breakers have no required interlocks.
Caution must be taken to ensure that any interlock lever is
not bent and caused to not function. All interlocks should be
operated to confirm that they function as required.
The function of the racking mechanism interlock is to
prevent the breaker from moving from the CONNECTED
position before the breaker is in the OPEN position .
The racking mechanism d rive shaft is located behind
the RACKING SCREW cover shown in Fig . 1 4A. This
cover must be slid to the right to gain access to the drive
shaft as shown in Fig. 1 48. When the RACKING SCREW
cover preventing it from being o pened. This link is driven
by the motion of the OPEN/CLOSED indicator as shown in
Fig. 1 5.
Prior to moving rack screw cover over to attach
racking wrench push the manual trip button above the cover.
This will ensure that the breaker is open. Also read breaker
position flag to confirm that breaker is open.
Compartment door should be closed and latched when
racking a breaker from the connect position.
The T R I P button also engages with the RACKING
SCREW cover in both the OPEN and CLOS E D positions.
Therefore, the TRIP button must be pushed in before the
cover can be opened. This will open the breaker if it was
closed and also depress the OPEN/CLOSED linkage
discussed above.
When the RACKI NG SCREW cover is open it holds the
TR I P button in. This keeps the breaker trip-free so a
mechanism closing cycle will not cause contact movement
especially when the breaker is being racked in or out.
Use only the proper racking mechanism
wrench for racking the breaker in or out, otherwise the
trip-free interlock feature may not function.
FIG. 1 48
1 5
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