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LOCATION 93 - PARTITION 3 FEATURE AND REPORTING SELECTIONS (3 segments, feature selection data)
Location 93 is used to enable certain features that can be accessed or are visible to the user from the keypad of the
system. In addition, certain communicator reports are enabled in this location. Each of these features can be enabled
by partition. This location contains 3 segments, with eight possible features per segment. Refer to Location 23,
Segments 1, 2, and 3 (page 17) for the feature selections. If all segments are blank (nothing enabled), the features
for partition 1 will be used.
LOCATION 94 - PARTITION 3 ENTRY EXIT TIMERS (4 segments, numerical data)
Location 94 is used to enter in seconds the Entry and Exit times. There are 2 separate entry and exit times. Valid
entries are 10-255 seconds. If all segments are
0", the entry and exit times for partition 1 will be used.
Segment 1, Entry time 1:
Entry time that will be used when a Delay 1 zone type initiates an entry delay.
Segment 2, Exit time 1:
Exit time that will be used for all zones designated as Delay 1.
Segment 3, Entry time 2:
Entry time that will be used when a Delay 2 zone type initiates an entry delay.
Segment 4, Exit time 2:
Exit time that will be used for all zones designated as Delay 2.
LOCATION 95 - ACCOUNT CODE FOR PARTITION 4 (6 segments, numerical data)
The account code sent when partition 4 is reported is programmed in location 95.
If location 95 is left
unprogrammed (all
10" ) then the account code corresponding to the Phone number dialed will be used. If the
account code is less than six digits, program a
10" in the segment immediately after the last digit of the account code.
If the account code is 6 digits long, program all 6 segments.
LOCATION 96 - PARTITION 4 FEATURE AND REPORTING SELECTIONS (3 segments, feature selection data)
Location 96 is used to enable certain features that can be accessed or are visible to the user from the keypad of the
In addition, certain communicator reports are enabled in this location. Each of these features can be
enabled by partition. This location contains 3 segments, with eight possible features per segment. Refer to Location
23, Segments 1,2, and 3 (page 17) for the feature selections. If all segments are blank (nothing enabled), the
features for partition 1 will be used.
LOCATION 97 - PARTITION 4 ENTRY EXIT TIMERS (4 segments, numerical data)
Location 97 is used to enter in seconds the Entry and exit times. There are 2 separate entry and exit times. Valid
entries are 10-255 seconds. If all segments are
0", the entry and exit times for partition 1 will be used.
Segment 1, Entry time 1:
Entry time that will be used when a Delay 1 zone type initiates an entry delay.
Segment 2, Exit time 1:
Exit time that will be used for all zones designated as Delay 1.
Segment 3, Entry time 2:
Entry time that will be used when a Delay 2 zone type initiates an entry delay.
Segment 4, Exit time 2:
Exit time that will be used for all zones designated as Delay 2.
LOCATION 98 - ACCOUNT CODE FOR PARTITION 5 (6 segments, numerical data)
The account code sent when partition 5 is reported is programmed in location 98.
If location 98 is left
unprogrammed (all
10" ) then the account code corresponding to the Phone number dialed will be used. If the
account code is less than six digits, program a
10" in the segment immediately after the last digit of the account code.
If the account code is 6 digits long, program all 6 segments.
Location 99 is used to enable certain features that can be accessed or are visible to the user from the keypad of the
system. In addition, certain communicator reports are enabled in this location. Each of these features can be enabled
by partition. This location contains 3 segments, with eight possible features per segment. Refer to Location 23,
Segments 1,2, and 3 (page 17) for the feature selections. If all segments are blank (nothing enabled), the features
for partition 1 will be used.
LOCATION 100 - PARTITION 5 ENTRY EXIT TIMERS (4 segments, numerical data)
Location 100 is used to enter in seconds the Entry and exit times. There are 2 separate entry and exit times. Valid
entries are 10-255 seconds. If all segments are
0", the entry and exit times for partition 1 will be used.
Segment 1, Entry Time 1:
Entry time that will be used when a delay 1 zone type initiates an entry delay.
Segment 2, Exit Time 1:
Exit time that will be used for all zones designated as delay 1.
Segment 3, Entry Time 2:
Entry time that will be used when a delay 2 zone type initiates an entry delay.
Segment 4, Exit Time 2:
Exit time that will be used for all zones designated as delay 2.