⑦ 카트리지�뚜껑을�제거한�후�밀대�전진�버튼으로�공기를�제거한다.
After removing the cartridge cap, remove air from new cartridge by pushing
the ‘<<’, ‘>>’ button.
去除针头的保护盖,然后调‘<<’, ‘>>’来抽取药液将空气排除,为了避免注入空气
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⑧ 원하는�길이의�가이드를�선택�후�카트리지가�끝까지�나올�때까지�밀어�끼운다.
Insert your choice of guide and push forward to the end until cartridge comes
out to right length. (You can control the cartridge depth by changing guide)
请插入所要的架子,并向前推,针会伸出正确的长度 (架子可以调节针头的深度)
※ 가이드를�끼울�때�카트리지가�가이드�구멍에�제대로�위치했는지�확인�후�끼워�카트리지의�휘어짐을
Before insert the guide, make sure that cartridge must be fit in the guide hole otherwise it may
cause damage.