1. Warranty on this product is from this written warranty card.
2. For more details, refer to the compensation criteria for consumers.
3. This is followed by company policy only on the replaced product.
4. No responsibility of repair, replacement, and refund until the defective product was returned.
5. Original product is only for A/S, but not for the imitation. (Cautious on the imitation)
- 12 -
Guidelines on Compensation for Consumer Damage
Type of damage
Within warranty
After the warranty
When a major repair is required within ten days from the date of
When a major repair on components is required within one month
from the date of purchase.
When a major repair is required within one month from the
exchanged product.
Impossible to exchange.
Failure in
or functions
during normal
1) In case of functional break down caused by consumer’s abuse
- Consumer’s mishandling failure (fall, shock, breakage, hard movement) or damage by
improper use)
- Breakdown or defect by consumer’s fault or on purpose
- Breakdown or defect from repairing or remodeling by consumer or unauthorized
service center
- Breakdown or defect from using unauthorized spare parts, consumables, options, etc.
2) Ohters
- In case of defect by natural disaster (fire, immersion in water, earthquake, etc.)
- n case of consumable’s expire
- In case of outside cause.
Pay for the repair
Pay for the repair
※ Components and consumables except for the main body are provided by other warranty period
Free service
Pay for the repair or
Replaced after pay
To be refund by calculating
depreciation with 10% increase
(Max: Purchasing Cost)
To be replaced or Replaced after
calculating depreciation
Product will be
replaced Or refund
Product will be
replaced Or refund
Product will be
Product will be
replaced Or refund
Up to three mechanical failures resulting from the same
defect, at the 3th failure arising from the same defect
Up to various mechanical failures resulting from the same
defect, at the 5th failure arising from the same defect
In case that the company lost the product
consumer requests to repair
In case that there are no spare parts in the company
within retention period
In case that there are spare parts, but in case of
impossible of repair
to repair