Easy AB Formulator - Unit Guide
Page 8
Start Up Instructions
1. First, verify all the plumbing connections are correct. Turn off city water feed, see picture below.
2. City feed is connected to the top of the tank connection on the easy ab formulator.*
3. The ice machine is a separate connection and is located on the tank top. Manifold (POU) lines are mounted on the left or right
side of the system and connects to an espresso/brewer where the shut off valves are installed. On pages 2 - 3 you will find the
flow diagrams; shown are the Easy
AB Formulator as a stand alone System, with a RO System and connected to a water softener
and RO system. You should check that the connections at your location match what is shown in these flow diagrams; these
diagrams show the proper plumbing connections for the Easy
AB Formulator System installed at your location.
4. DO NOT TURN ON YELLOW SWITCH YET. However, verify the system has a dedicated 20 amp / 110v GFCI power source and
power is available. Verify city water to the location is also available.
5. First, put gloves on. Verify the filters are in housings and the housings are clear of debris.
6. The filters are as easy to check. Simply twist to the left and pull down. Filters have a notched area at the top of the filter so
they only go in or out one way. Do not try to force the filter into the connection point without matching up the notches.
7. Now the system is ready for you to turn on the water to the system. Open the city feed to system. Double check the A &
B Formula box connections. It will take about 20-30 minutes to fill the tank completely; DO NOT TURN ON YELLOW SWITCH
8. Push the yellow switch into the on position.
9. On the Front of the System face plate, push the Green button to turn the System on.
10. Wait 15 - 20 minutes allowing the system TDS level to equalize.
11. Verify set points; to do this, first open the door as shown below.
12. To verify Set Point 1 (SP1), push the small round gray button marked SET/CAL once. If you push the small gray button and
accidentally hold it in, the system will cycle past the SP1 setting. Continue to push the button to cycle back to SP1
13. Verify the Monitor displays SP1. The factory setting will display as 145 TDS.
14. To verify SP2, push button again to display SP2. The factory setting is 155 TDS. There should always be a 5 point difference
between SP1 and SP2.
15. To get out of verifying/programming mode, you need to push the small gray button once more. The monitor will now display
current water temperature and current TDS level in tank.
16. Once verifications are done, close the cover to the small black box to protect the buttons from harm.
17. Start Up is complete. Call your Global Representative and let them know you would like to activate the Warranty for your
new system. Make sure to have the serial number, Store Managers Name and Store number ready to give to the person who
answers the phone.
* The Easy
AB Formulator can also be fed by a Reverse Osmosis System.
† If any of the SYSTEMS are not plumbed, call Plumber to connect.