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© GBC Films Group October 2000
Arctic Titan 165 Operation and Maintenance Manual
Operating Instructions
Film Loading and Threading
Turn the main power switch on ( l ).
Remove the Pressure Plate and the Feed Table.
If film has already been removed from the laminator then skip to step 7.
Carefully cut the film web between both supply rolls and the pressure rollers.
CAUTION: Be careful not to cut or scratch the rollers.
Move the Roller Pressure Handle to the “Mount” position and pull the film out the front
of the laminator.
Remove the film shafts by lifting the right side of the shaft out of the cradle and then pull
out the left hexagonal side.
Loosen the thumbscrew on the left core adapter of the film supply shaft. Do not loosen
the right core adapter thumbscrew—this will make it easier to line up the film edges.
Tap the left end (hex) of the shaft on a table.
Pull the shaft partially out of the film tube. Then use the end of the film shaft to force the
core adapter out of the film tube.