S1001 |
User Guide
| 53
Most people’s first inclination is to set the lung sounds to “none.” This
is incorrect, despite apnea. Obviously, no lung sounds should be heard
during apnea, but since you have already set respiratory rate to zero,
none will be. (Sounds are synchronized to the breathing cycle.)
What you are really setting here when you choose a lung sound is the
condition of the lungs, given respiratory drive. That is, if the patient’s re-
spiratory rate were changed from zero, what sound would be heard? As-
suming that the lungs themselves are normal in this scenario, you would
choose “normal” for the lung sound setting.
Then, as the scenario progresses, if the patient starts breathing, there will
be no need to set the lung sound again. It will already be set. The same
principle applies to the heart sound and other settings.
2. Include notes to guide the facilitator during the simulation.
It is common for scenario designers, especially those who act as facilita-
tors, to neglect the importance of notes in the scenario. They think that
they will remember the learning objectives, patient history, and other
details at the time they are ready to conduct the simulation. They usually
do not, especially when revisiting a scenario months after creating it.
When you add “Wait” and “Wait Indefinitely” steps to a scenario, you
have an opportunity to edit the item description. Use this description field
to hold notes to the facilitator. Typically, scenario designers write notes in
that space to indicate what the provider(s) or facilitator should be doing
at that point.
Further, when saving the scenario, you may edit the scenario description.
This is the best place to put patient history and any other longer notes
and instructions.
3. Assume that providers will do the right thing.
Usually a scenario should be created with the assumption that the provid-
ers will perform correctly. As long as they do, the scenario can be allowed
to continue.
Naturally, preparation must be made for what might happen to Victoria
when providers deviate from expectations. The consequences of such de-
viations can sometimes be included in the scenario, punctuated by “Wait
Indefinitely” items. In other cases, the simulation will require more direct