Gates Underwater Products, Inc
13685 Stowe Drive • Poway, CA • 92064 • 858.391.0052 • 800.875.1052 • Fax 858.391.0053
[email protected] • www.GatesHousings.com
Optional Water Alarm
If your EX1R housing includes the optional water alarm, there are three alarm conditions
to watch for:
You can test the alarm anytime by shorting the detection contacts that lead to the water
alarm transducer. The water detection condition will activate for 6 seconds. If the
battery is low, the low battery condition will sound.
The water alarm requires a single 6V battery like Radio Shack model 23-469 or A544.
Your battery should be removed when stored (e.g. between dive trips). Check the
battery prior to every dive to ensure proper operation, and change when indicated.
must wait a minimum of 30 seconds between battery insertions to allow unit to
fully discharge.
Condition LED Siren
New battery
(when inserted)
Bright intense blink while siren
Ascending tones played 4
Water intrusion
Bright intense blink.
Grating warble sound. Alarm
will sound for duration of
Low battery
Low intensity fast blink.
Descending tones played 8
times pausing approximately
20 seconds between plays
after alarm test or water