Gates Underwater Products, Inc
13685 Stowe Drive • Poway, CA • 92064 • 858.391.0052 • 800.875.1052 • 858.391.0053
[email protected] • www.GatesHousings.com
Auto/Manual Focus
The A/M focus switch on the camera can be changed with this control. Refer to the
camera manual for specifics on operation of the camera in these modes including the
use of ‘manual focus assist’ features.
When shooting underwater, a common practice to set manual focus is to use
auto focus first. In auto focus mode, point the camera at the subject or an object of
equal distance from you, let the camera focus, then flip into manual. This will ‘freeze’ the
focus distance at that point.
Manual Focus
This control is found on the left front of the housing and rotates the focus ring on the
camera. Note that the camera must be in manual focus mode, as actuated by the
previous control.
Gain / WB Presets
This control operates two different lever switches on the camera. With the knob pointer
toward the front, the gain switch can be moved through all three positions (L-M-H). To
access the white balance presets, pull the control out slightly and rotate the pointer
toward the rear. It will then move the lever through the WB preset positions (B-A-PRE).
Use care when mating the control with the toggle switch on the camera.
The control head is very small to mate with the end of the toggle switch. Use the view
window to ensure proper mating.
WB Set
Under the A/M Focus control is the WB Set. A short counterclockwise rotation actuates
the WB set button on the camera. Confirmation of WB set is seen in the viewfinder or
external monitor.
Picture Profile
The Picture Profile control is located on the rear of the housing. Through the view
window you can see the control actuate the picture profile button when depressed. Note
that the pin on the Picture Profile knob must be aligned with the hole in the window to
activate. Once activated, use the Select / Push Execute Roller to change and select a
new picture profile.
The pin/hole alignment is also a lockout feature. For example, if you are diving deep,
retract the control and rotate the pin away from the hole to prevent inadvertent
The S&Q control activates the S&Q (Slow and Quick) camera button. Align the pin on
the control head with the hole in the housing. Similar to Picture Profile, rotating the
control pin away from the hole serves as a lockout feature against activation.