Gates Underwater Products, Inc
13685 Stowe Drive • Poway, CA • 92064 • 858.391.0052 • 800.875.1052 • 858.391.0053
[email protected] • www.GatesHousings.com
Use and change of the Color Correction Filter
The internal color correction filter is specially designed by UR
Pro to correct for color loss underwater. A “blue water” version
(orange in color) is provided standard with the EX1R housing,
however a “green water” version (pink in color) is available as
an option.
Changing the filter
is accomplished by loosening the
screw on the filter holder closest to the filter element using
a 7/64” hex tool. Remove the filter element gently while
stabilizing the filter holder. Reverse this process to install
new filter element.
. You will likely have fingerprints on the filter after
installing, so clean the filter according to the directions in
the “Cleaning Ports and Filters” section.
Use and change of the Flip Diopter
The flip diopter allows convenient close up/macro imaging with a simple ‘flip’ of the
diopter element in front of the camera. If this option is installed you can change the
diopter amongst the +1, +2 and +4 strengths provided with your kit and used with the
FP44 flat port.
Changing the diopter
is nearly identical to the process for changing a filter (see
photo above). Loosen the screw on the diopter holder closest to the diopter element
using a 7/64” hex tool. Remove the diopter element gently while stabilizing the
holder arm.
Installing a diopter
is the reverse, however the diopter must be oriented with the
‘flat’ side closest to the camera and the convex side toward the port.
. Again, you will likely have fingerprints on the diopter after installing, so
clean the filter according to the directions in the “Cleaning Ports and Filters” section.
The flip diopter is designed for macro imaging with the camera partially or fully
zoomed to telephoto. At full wide angle you may see vignetting (cut off corners).
This is
Use of other diopters
The EX1R housing can accommodate the use of diopters affixed to the camera body in
conjunction with the FP44 flat port. Depending on the manufacturer the diopters may be
stacked. Note that the color correction filter cannot be used in this configuration.
Change the filter by
loosening this screw
with the 7/64 hex tool.