Possible Reasons
The Easy Solution
Air flows back into the
evacuated bag.
Particles (Powder) or
liquids are in the sealing
area of the bag.
The upper rim of the bag must be completely clean and dry
for making a good seal. Cut off the upper rim of the bag
and wipe clean the top of the bag. Perhaps, remove some
material from the bag to leave some more free space on top
of the bag.
Select the MOIST setting for vacuum sealing to avoid that
powders and liquids are sucked in.
You did not position the
bag correctly for vacuum
For making a good seal, spread out the upper rim of the bag
smooth and without any folds. Cut off the upper rim of the
bag and reseal the bag.
Parts of the contents in
the bag perforated the
bag during evacuation.
Remove sharp-edged items (e.g. bones) from the bag or turn
the edges inwards. Wrap sharp-edged items in kitchen towel.
Use an new bag. Use a vacuum container.
The food is not suited
for vacuum sealing.
Naturally, some types of food produce gases during storage.
These foods are not suited for vacuum sealing (see: ‘Tips for
Best Results’).
The food has gone bad. Perishable food produces gases when going bad.
In these cases, discard the food!
The bag is not sealed
The appliance is overhe-
ated and/or melting the
foil of the bag.
Ensure that you have given the appliance sufficient time
to cool down. Wait 60 seconds between seals. Unplug the
appliance and leave it cool down for 30 minutes with the
lid open.
The locking pins at
both sides of the lid are
missing or not installed
The locking pins may not protrude the sides of the lid and
the lid must be fixed to the base. When inserting the locking
pins, they must engage with a click. See: ‘Emptying the Drip
Liquid or powder is
sucked in during eva-
cuation and polluting
the seal.
Cut off the upper rim of the bag and wipe clean the top of
the bag. Perhaps, remove some material from the bag to lea-
ve some more free space on top of the bag.
If you filled in dry powder (e.g. spices), cover the powder
with a piece of kitchen towel.
Freeze foods containing excess liquid partially prior to vacu-
um sealing. Select the GENTLE speed and MOIST setting.
Terminate the evacuating process in time by pressing the
SEAL button for sealing at once.
You did not position the
bag correctly for sealing.
The upper rim of the bag must lay completely smooth and
without any folds on the heating bar and vacuum gasket.