Set Measurement Full-Scale
This setting allows the user to adjust the full scale measurement range of the instrument, up or down from that set by
default. The end user may change the full scale range in increments of 5ppm for all sensor types except Infra-Red. Infra-
Red sensors types will indicate a ‘Change not allowed’ message.
Care must be exercised when setting higher than default full scale values since at some point, for any given
detector gain setting, the accuracy of the current loop output signal will degrade.
Full scale range should be set only after proper consideration to what minimum resolution is acceptable.
Additionally there is an upper limit to the sensor signal level that can be handled by the system electronics
before ‘saturation’ occurs.
Once the sensor signal level has reached this saturation level, no further increase in reading is possible,
irrespective of the value set as a full scale range.
Set Measurement Full Scale
Detector Type Setup Screen
For all sensor types except Infra-Red, the full scale range of the
instrument may be set to a different value than the default.
Increments are in units of 5ppm. Note that if the full scale
range is set too high, for the current detector gain setting
readings may become unstable.
Gas type is selected by the use of the up and down soft-keys.
When a change is made, the 'home' icon changes to the 'save'
icon. When the changes are saved, the detector reboots to
make the changes effective.
Detector Type
This setting allows the detector to be configured for a specific target gas and full scale measurements range.
This setting is intended to be used by end users ONLY if they are competent* to do so. Changing this
setting must only be carried out on advice from GasTech service engineers or authorised representatives.
Changing the detector to a different gas type without changing the sensor type to match will result in
incorrect detector operation or malfunction. Gastech will not accept responsibility for events that may
occur following changes made by non-competent personnel.
*Competence within this context implies training having been given by Gastech.
Once a change to gas type and range is made and saved, the detector reboots to effect the changes. The
calibration and configuration state are returned to default, requiring the instrument to be re-calibrated and
any user configurations reinstated.