You've just purchased a new Gasland BE series portable gas water heater.
This will open a world of enjoyment to going tankless. We highly suggest
take the time to read through all of the safety and installation procedures in
this manual, before attempting to install your new water heater. Should you
have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email at ozmyhomeap-
[email protected] for further information.
Safety Precautions
● This appliance is for outdoor use only. This appliance can produce carbon
monoxide which has no odor. Using it in an enclosed space will cause death.
Do not use in caravans, tents, marine craft, cars, mobile homes or similar
● This appliance is not intended for the supply of drinking water. This appliance is
intended for the supply of heated water, for the purpose of showering, washing
and cleaning only.
● Always cover the appliance when not in use, and this appliance could not be
exposed to strong wind or rain.
● Use two shifting spanners when connecting the gas regulator hose to the
appliance or damage to the gas valve may occur.
● Check and confirm safe water temperature before using this appliance water
from this appliance may be very hot.
● If the outside temperature is near or below freezing 0°C ensure that the system
is properly drained. See instructions inside.