(*) Inspect or do this operations only it’s necessary.
Exhaust silencer fiber
Air filter
Steering assembly
Brake hose
Cooling fliud
General lubrication
Front and rear rims
Brake oil level
Chain guide slide
Kickstart ang shift pedal
Brake piston pump amb his dustcover
Brake piston amb his dust-cover
Piston and piston rings
Front and rear spokes
Fuel system
Front suspension
Exhaust o’ring
Bolts, nuts & fasteners
Fuel hose
Radiator hose set and connections
Frame protect sickers
Tire-silencer space
Every race
Every race
Every race
Every race
Every race
Every race
Every race
Every race
Every race
Every race
Every race
60 hours
Every race
Every race
Every race
Every race
Every race
Every race
Every race
Every race
If is necessary
If is necessary
If is necessary
If is necessary
5 hours
If is necessary
If is necessary
If is necessary
If is necessary
Im a fall
Every cleaning
Every cleaning
Every cleaning
Every cleaning
500 hours
100 hours
If is damaged
Every 2 years
Every year
If is damaged
If is damaged
If is damaged
If is damaged
If is damaged
If is damaged
Every year
If is damaged
If is damaged
If is damaged
If is damaged
If is damaged
If is damaged
If is damaged
if is damaged
if is damaged
Every race
Every race
Every race
Every race
Every race
Check /
Replace /
Grease /