Multi Gas Clip Simple Plus User’s Manual
UM MGC-S-PLUS v1.00a
Portable gas detectors you can count on
14 of 18
How to retrieve data logs using GCT IR Link
*You must have Microsoft Excel to open Data and/or Event Logs
*Computer System Requirements: Available for Windows© based PCs (Vista, 7, 8.x, 10)
*Browser requirements: Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera or Edge
Set detector in front of GCT IR Link with GCT IR Link Communication Window and MGC Simple Plus IR Communication Window
lined up approximately 2-3 inches apart.
1. Open GCT IR Link Software (downloaded for free from www.gascliptech.com under Resources tab).
2. Click on Download Logs icon at the top left corner.
3. Select Destination Folder (wherever you want to store the logs on your computer).
4. Select what kind of logs you want to download:
a. Event Logs Only
b. Events & Partial Data Log (last week of data)
c. Events & New Data Logs Only (All data logs from last time you pulled the logs to current)
d. Full Logs (approximately 2 months)
5. If a check mark is in the box above where you select what logs you want to download, the logs will automatically open in
Microsoft Excel once it’s downloaded.