background image



Desired Function

Which Key to Press


Advance Digits While Programming


Hold for Fast Advance

Set Digits While Programming


Escape From Programming Mode

Mode for 1 Sec

Set Clock, Thermometer and Units

Mode for 2 Sec

In SPD/STP Screen

Set Wheel Size

Mode for 2 Sec

In SPD/ODO Screen

Main Programmable ODO

Automatic at end of 
Wheel Size Setting

Reset All Functions

Start/Stop for 2 Sec

In SPD/STP Screen

Reset Main Max Speed Only

Mode for 2 Sec

In SPD/MAX Screen

Enter Workout Window

Workout window

In any Screen

Workout Window Programmable ODO

Mode for 2 sec

In Workout Window SPD/ODO 

Start Workout Window

Start Stop while in 

Initial start only, subsequent     

Workout Window

starts and stops are automatic

Reset only Workout Window 

Start/Stop for 2 Sec

In Workout Window SPD/STP

Functions Screen

Reset only Workout Window

Mode for 2 Sec 

In Workout Window SPD/MAX 

Max Speed





No speedometer reading

Check for proper magnet sensor alignment. Check computer to 
make sure it is snapped firmly into the bracket.

Display Readout Fades

Poor battery contact or dead battery-remove the battery, check      
contactor replace battery.

Display shows irregular figures

Press A/C button on the back of the unit to clear and restart
the computer.

MX display reads 99.5

Clear modes by pressing BOTH buttons in regular mode for 1 sec
ond, check wheel magnet/sensor alignment.

Slow display response

Temperature outside of computer operating limits 32–120˚F 

Black display

Computer unit too hot or display exposed to direct sunlight for too 
long.  Let the unit cool and it should return to normal.
