Magnum DS80 Dual-Speed Personal Hub Installation and User Guide (11/98)
change speed at any time without impairing the operation of the other ports and
connected devices.
Magnum DS80 Chassis
The Magnum DS80 chassis houses one main PC board with a bridge IC on
board, and an external power supply unit. The front side of the chassis has eight RJ-45
twisted-pair ports and one cascading (Up-link or Crossover) Port, # 8X, on the right.
LEDs to indicate
operating status are on the left front side. There are power (PWR) and collision (COL)
indicators for the unit. There are Link and Activity (LINK/ACT) indicators for each of
the 10 Mbps and 100Mbps
domains, set into an aligned
arrangement, for visual
indication of the operating
Magnum DS80 Dual-Speed Hub
of each port. (See Section 1.1 “Specifications” for a technical description of the LEDs).
The unit has a small quiet cooling fan inside in the center which sends warm air out,
through the ¼” plenum space, away from the unit to the rear.
The DC power plug connector or “jack” is in the right rear of the chassis.
The external power supply is for either 95 - 125vac at 60 Hz for “-d” models or 200-
250vac at 50Hz for “-i” models, which have IEC power cable connector in the external
power supply housing.
10 / 100 Speed Auto-sensing
All eight RJ-45 twisted pair ports support auto-sensing for speed, independent
of the other ports. Speed-sensing is performed by the DS80’s electronics in accordance
with the standards of the IEEE 802.3u auto-negotiation standard. If the connected
device or node indicates that it is capable of 100Mbps speed, then operation on that port
will be at 100Mbps. If the connected device does not positively indicate that it is
capable of 100Mbps speed, then the operation on that DS80 port will be at 10Mbps. Of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - 8 X
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
M a g n u m D S 8 0 D u a l - S p e e d
Personal Hub