Universal dimmer actuators GDA2K-400 KNX / GDA4K-400 KNX
pdated: Mai-17 (Subject to changes) Page 15 of 63
Objects 5, 35, 85, 115 "Call up/save scenes"
Only available if the scene function has been activated (
Configuration options
parameter page).
This object can be used to save and subsequently call up scenes.
Saving stores the dimming value of the channel.
It does not matter how this dimming value is produced (whether via switch commands, central objects
or the buttons on the device).
The saved dimming value is reestablished when it is called up.
All scene numbers from 1 to 64 are supported.
Each channel can participate in up to 8 scenes.
See appendix: Scenes
Objects 6, 36, 86, 116 "Block scenes = 1, Enable scenes = 1"
Blocks the scene function with a 1 or a 0 depending on the configuration.
As long as it is blocked, scenes cannot be saved or called up.
Objects 7, 37, 87, 117 "Force = 1" / "Force = 0" / "Dimming value during force"
The function of the force object can be configured as a 1-bit, 2-bit or 1-byte object.
Table 5
Format of force
Response with force
Trigger with
End with
1 bit
1 or 0
0 or 1
configurable in the application program
2 bit
Force On = 3
Force Off = 2
Deactivate force
= 0 or 1
configurable in the
application program.
The last dimming
value before force is
1 byte
The triggering
telegram also acts
simultaneously as a
force dimming value
The last dimming
value before force is
Objects 8, 38, 88, 118 "Dimming value limit"
The value received will be configured as the maximum configurable dimming value.
Its range of applicability is defined on the Dimming value restrictions parameter page.
Object 9, 39, 89, 119 "Feedback On/Off"
Sends the current dimming status:
1 = current dimming value is between 1% and 100%
0 = current dimming value is 0%