Music Player
The media player allows your device to control the media currently playing from a media app on your paired
phone. You can open the media player at any time by selecting > Tools > Music from the main menu.
Information about the currently playing media, such as title, artist, album, station or channel.
Progress through the current media item.
Playback controls. The controls change based on the service providing the media.
Select to hide or shrink the media player.
Adding the Music Player Tool to the Map
The music player map tool enables you to control the music player from your map.
1 Open the map.
2 Select > Music Player.
The music player controls appear on the map.
BirdsEye Imagery
BirdsEye imagery provides downloadable, high-resolution map imagery, including detailed satellite imagery and
raster-based topographical maps. You can download BirdsEye Satellite Imagery directly to your device when it is
connected to a Wi‑Fi network.
Using the apps