Adventure Roads and Trails
Entering your vehicle profile characteristics does not guarantee that your vehicle's characteristics will be
accounted for in all route suggestions. Limitations may exist in map data for some route suggestions. Always
defer to all posted road signs and conditions during vehicle operation. Failure to do so could lead to an accident
involving personal injury or death.
This device can navigate off-motorway roads and trails based on your vehicle profile. Trails are colour coded
based on accessibility. You can select to set which adventure roads and trails appear on the map.
Straight Line Routes
For areas without defined roads or trails, the device guides you to your destination using a straight line route.
You can set multiple waypoints to navigate a route through areas without roads.
Distance to the destination.
Route highlighted on the map.
Vehicle speed.
Map tools. Provides tools to show you more information about your route and surroundings.
Map layers. Allows you to change the map orientation and add topographic and BirdsEye imagery to your
map view.
Off-Road Navigation Features