The Schedule Editor provides reminders to the pilot while in flight.
(These may include Check Fuel, Switch Tanks, etc.) Up to nine sched-
uled messages can be input to the GPS 150 at one time.
NOTE: Scheduled messages can be made specific to an individual flight
and can then be stored on computer for later recall. This is handy if you
fly several different, but repetitive flights. To enter scheduled messages,
begin by selecting "Schedule Edit..." from the EDIT menu. Next, select
an existing file or create a new one by simply typing the name with the
.SCH extension.
To begin a new message file, select "Add" to add a new message, then
type the message name. After entering the message time, press TAB or
use the mouse to select the time field to the right of the message title
field. This field is used to enter the time the scheduled message will be
displayed. The format used is HH:MM (hours:minutes). Up to 99 hours
and 59 minutes can be entered. (Seconds are not used.) The time
elapsed is counted when the GPS 150 is powered on. See your GPS
150 Pilot's Guide for more information. The time elapsed is started from
when the information is uploaded, and runs until it is either re-uploaded or
re-programmed on the unit, regardless of how many times the unit is