During an emergency, you can use your GPSMAP 86i/sci device to contact the Garmin
International Emergency
Response Coordination Center (IERCC) to request help. Pressing the SOS button sends a message to the
Garmin IERCC, and they notify the appropriate emergency responders of your situation. You can communicate
with the Garmin IERCC during your emergency while you wait for help to arrive. You should only use the SOS
function in a real emergency situation.
Initiating an SOS Rescue
NOTE: You can initiate an SOS rescue with the device turned on or off if the device has battery power.
1 Lift the protective cap from the SOS button .
2 Hold the SOS button.
3 Wait for the SOS countdown.
The device sends a default message to the emergency response service with details about your location.
4 Reply to the confirmation message from the emergency response service.
Your reply lets the emergency response service know that you are capable of interacting with them during
the rescue. If you do not reply, the emergency response service will still initiate a rescue.
For the first 10 minutes of your rescue, an updated location is sent to the emergency response service every
minute. To conserve battery power after the first 10 minutes, an updated location is sent every 10 minutes
when moving, and every 30 minutes when stationary.
NOTE: While in SOS mode, the device cannot be turned off.
Sending a Custom SOS Message
After pressing the SOS button to initiate an SOS rescue, you can reply with a custom message using the SOS
1 From the main menu, select SOS > Reply.
2 Select Type Message to compose a custom SOS message.
3 Select Send Message.
Your reply lets the emergency response service know that you are capable of interacting with them during the
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