Real or synthetic ATON
Real or synthetic ATON: Topmark North
Real or synthetic ATON: Topmark South
Real or synthetic ATON: Topmark East
Real or synthetic ATON: Topmark West
Real or synthetic ATON: Topmark Special
Real or synthetic ATON: Topmark Safe
Real or synthetic ATON: Topmark Danger
Virtual ATON
Virtual ATON: Topmark North
Virtual ATON: Topmark South
Virtual ATON: Topmark East
Virtual ATON: Topmark West
Virtual ATON: Topmark Special
Virtual ATON: Topmark Safe
Virtual ATON: Topmark Danger
AIS Distress Signals
Self-contained AIS distress signal devices transmit emergency position reports when activated. The chartplotter
can receive signals from Search and Rescue Transmitters (SART), Emergency Position Indicating Radio
Beacons (EPIRB), and other man overboard signals. Distress signal transmissions are different than standard
AIS transmissions, so they appear differently on the chartplotter. Instead of tracking a distress signal
transmission for collision avoidance, you track a distress signal transmission to locate and assist a vessel
or person.
Navigating to a Distress Signal Transmission
When you receive a distress signal transmission, a distress signal alarm appears.
Select Review > Go To to begin navigation to the transmission.
Charts and 3D Chart Views