Maximum Depth: The maximum depth descended during a dive.
Maximum Descent: The maximum rate of descent in meters per minute or feet per minute since the last reset.
Maximum Elevation: The highest elevation reached since the last reset.
Maximum Lap Power: The top power output for the current lap.
Maximum Nautical Speed: The maximum speed in knots for the current activity.
Maximum Power: The top power output for the current activity.
Maximum SOG: The maximum speed of travel for the current activity, regardless of the course steered and
temporary variations in heading.
Maximum Speed: The top speed for the current activity.
Minimum Elevation: The lowest elevation reached since the last reset.
Moving Time: The total time moving for the current activity.
Multisport Time: The total time for all sports in a multisport activity, including transitions.
Muscle O2 Saturation %: The estimated muscle oxygen saturation percentage for the current activity.
N2/He Load: Your current nitrogen and helium tissue load level.
Nautical Distance: The distance traveled in nautical meters or nautical feet.
Nautical SOG: The actual speed of travel in knots, regardless of the course steered and temporary variations in
Nautical Speed: The current speed in knots.
Next Split Distance: Running. The total distance of the next split.
Next Split Target Pace: Running. The target pace for the next split.
Next Waypoint: The next point on the route. You must be navigating for this data to appear.
Normalized Power: The Normalized Power
for the current activity.
Off Course: The distance to the left or right by which you have strayed from the original path of travel. You must
be navigating for this data to appear.
OTU: Your current oxygen toxicity units.
Overall Ahead/Behind: Running. The overall time ahead or behind of the target pace.
Pace: The current pace.
PacePro Gauge: Running. Your current split pace and your target split pace.
Pedal Smoothness: The measurement of how evenly a rider is applying force to the pedals throughout each
pedal stroke.
Performance Condition: The performance condition score is a real-time assessment of your ability to perform.
Platform Center Offset: The platform center offset. Platform center offset is the location on the pedal platform
where force is applied.
Power: Cycling. The current power output in watts.
Power: Skiing. The current power output in watts. Your device must be connected to a compatible heart rate
Power Gauge: A color gauge showing your current power zone.
Power to Weight: The current power measured in watts per kilogram.
Power Zone: The current range of power output (1 to 7) based on your FTP or custom settings.
Rear: The rear bike gear from a gear position sensor.
Repeat On: The timer for the last interval plus the current rest (pool swimming).
Reps: During a strength training activity, the number of repetitions in a workout set.
Respiration Rate: Your respiration rate in breaths per minute (brpm).
Rest Timer: The timer for the current rest (pool swimming).
Right Peak Power Phase: The current power phase peak angle for the right leg. Power phase peak is the angle
range over which the rider produces the peak portion of the driving force.