Instructions for ATEX Certification
The “EX II 3G IIC T3X” certification is valid only for the internal space in contact with the medium and
the transport of gases and vapours. Installation and operation of the devices in an atmosphere capable
of being ignited is not permitted.
The user should note that if accessories or components are added, the use of the above-mentioned
devices in plant entails recertification to ATEX. In this event, the certification of the Gardner Denver
Thomas GmbH devices lapses.
According to the definition in DIN “Device Category 3”, these devices are designed for use where in
normal operation a mixture of gases or vapours capable of being ignited does not normally occur or
with a high probability does so only seldom and briefly.
The use of built-in gas ballast valves or other devices for the intake of air to check for leaks is only
permitted if this does not generate any mixtures capable of being ignited in the internal space of the
Restrictions on the operating conditions as a result of designating the devices with an “X” (in accordance
with EN 13463-1 see Assessment of the risk of ignition).
• Devices are to be installed in such a manner that they cannot be damaged, heat is conducted away
and visual monitoring is possible.
• The tolerances relating to ambient and gas intake temperatures in the operating instructions are to
be observed.
• After maintenance or repair work has been carried out, the device concerned must be subjected to
an appropriate inspection. The final vacuum stated in the documentation and a test on the seal of the
internal space of the device are to be checked.
The tested leak rate may not be under 0.5 x 10
mbar x litres/sec.
2. Definition of explosive atmosphere
An atmosphere capable of being ignited is a mixture of air and combustible substances in the form of
gases, vapours, mists or dust under atmospheric conditions in which, following ignition, the combustion
process is transferred to the entire uncombusted mixture.
3. Area with a risk of explosion
By an area with a risk of explosion is meant an area in which the atmosphere may be capable of being
ignited because of the local and operating conditions.
The allocation of hazardous areas is a matter for the user.
4. Legal requirements for the manufacturer
Directive 2014/34/EU Legal requirements for the manufacturer are set out in:
• National implementation of the EX Decree
• DIN EN 1127-1
• DIN EN 50014-x
• DIN EN 13463-x
• IEC EN 60079-x
• IEC EN 61241-x
5. Legal requirements for the operating company
Directive 1999/92/EC (ATEX 137) Legal requirements for the operating company are set out in:
• Implementation by the Operational Safety Decree
• BGR 104 and BGR 132
• TRBS 2152 /TRGS 720
• TRBS 2152-1 /TRGS 721
• TRBS 2152-2 /TRGS 722
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