Enabled: If HV is on and input power is disrupted, the controller will
power up and will turn on HV when input power is restored. If HV is off
and input power is disrupted, the controller will power up, but it will not
turn on HV when input power is restored.
Power: If the input power is disrupted, the controller will power up, but
will not turn on the HV when input power is restored. This is independent
on the HV on/off state.
Normally, when DC power is applied to the SPCe, the SPCe does not start
until the Power button is pressed. In the case where power loss recovery
criteria are satisfied (see above), the SPCe will turn on when DC power is
applied and start high voltage.
Figure 17. Auto HV
High Voltage Enable (HVE)
This parameter controls the high voltage on/off via the HVE interlock signal.
When enabled, the SPCe is controlled by a signal on the miscellaneous I/O
port (J1) connector. If the signal is High, high voltage will enable.
Disabled (default option): Pin 8 on the J1 misc. I/O connector on the rear
panel does not have a function.
Intrlock: Pin 8 serves as the interlock function. Logic high (+3.3 V d.c. to
+12 V d.c.) on this pin enables HV to be turned on by the user, but does
not turn on HV automatically. Logic low disables HV operation—user
cannot turn on HV.
On/Off: Pin 8 serves as the on/off switch function. Logic high turns on HV.
Logic low turns off HV.
Figure 18. HV enable
Battery Mode (Battery)
Disables or enables battery mode.
Disabled (default option): The input power voltage must be in the +22 to
+26VDC range in order to run HV.
Enabled: The input power voltage can be outside this range.
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