1. Turn on your computer and log on Windows.
2. Insert the driver disk to your selected CD drive. The Set-up
screen will pop up automatically.
3. Follow the instructions on screen. Restart your computer if
1. Plug the PC Pro Flight into a USB port on your PC, and the
Gamepad will automatically install
2. For Windows 98 you may need your Windows® CD at this
point to complete the installation
3. To check its operation after connecting the pad click “Start”
in the lower left corner of your desktop.
4. Click “Control Panel”
5. Now Double Click the “Game Controllers” icon (different
Windows platforms may have different names). You should
see the driver named “USB all-in-one game controller'
under Controller Tab with an “OK” status. Click the
'Properties' button to calibrate the Joystick
6. Next, click on the
tab to confirm your calibration. The
joystick cursor should move in all directions, and the button
indicators should turn on when the buttons and trigger are
pressed. When the throttle and rudder controls are pushed