EN - 67
Cooking of frozen foods
This kind of food requires special care if it is prepared in a
MW oven. It is because most
of the information on the packaging refers to a
specific oven. It is therefore necessary to
know the power of your oven. If your oven has lower power than stated in the information
on the packaging, you should alter the cooking time INCREASE the cooking time in
one minute intervals and stir the food every time if possible. Then, let it rest for at least
Foods in shells, skin or membranes will burst in the MW oven unless you pierce them
before cooking. This includes some kinds of smoked meats, yolks and egg whites, clams,
oysters and several kinds of vegetable and fruit.
Checking the state
Because foods will cook fast in the MW, it is necessary to check them frequently. Some
foods are left in the oven till they are cooked completely but most of the foods (incl. meat
and poultry) should be taken out of the oven shortly before well-done and be let finish
cooking out of the oven. During this time, the inner temperature of the food will rise by
to 8
Lag time
Let the food rest when removed from the oven for at least 3
to 10
minutes. The food is
usually covered for this time to keep the heat inside unless it is food whose texture should
be dry (e.g. some kinds of breads and crackers). The lag enables the cooking to finish and
the taste and smell to spread.
Placing and distance
The individual pieces of foods such as baked potatoes, small pieces of bread and
appetizers will heat up more evenly if they are spread in the MW oven by same distance
from each other, the ideal shape being circle. Do not stock the ingredients on top of each
Stirring is one of the most important processes in microwave cooking. Stirring in
microwave cooking serves to allow the heat to spread. Stir always from the outside inward
because the outer part of the food heats first.
Large and long ingredients (such as roast or whole poultry) do not need to be turned for all
the parts to cook evenly. It is also suitable to turn chopped poultry and schnitzels.
Covering with foil
Strips of foil are sometimes put on the corners and edges of angular ingredients (foil for
MW ovens) which hold the microwaves and protect these parts from over-cooking. Do not
use an excessive amount of foil and always attach it safely to the ingredient or the kitchen
ware, otherwise sparkling might occur in the oven which could damage it!