3E2364
Weigh
Scale
W810
v2
User
Manual
Page
Zero
tracking
As
animals
pass
through
the
weighing
crate,
an
accumulation
of
mud
and
dung
may
build
up
on
the
weighing
platform.
The
Weigh
Scale
can
compensate
for
the
weight
of
this
accumulation
by
subtracting
it
from
the
total
weight.
The
automatic
subtraction
of
the
residual
weight
from
the
total
weight
is
called
zero
tracking.
Zero
tracking
ensures
that
the
Weigh
Scale
captures
the
animal's
weight
and
not
the
mess
left
on
the
platform.
The
way
zero
tracking
is
initiated
depends
on
the
weighing
mode.
Automatic
and
Manual
modes
In
the
Automatic
and
Manual
weighing
modes,
zero
tracking
is
automatically
implemented
if,
after
the
animal
leaves
the
weighing
platform,
the
residual
weight
is
within
a
defined
zero
tracking
range.
If
the
residual
weight
is
within
the
defined
range,
the
icon
displays.
If
the
residual
weight
is
outside
the
defined
range,
the
icon
does
not
display.
To
manually
compensate
for
the
residue,
press
the
blue
zero
button.
The
icon
displays.
During
a
weighing
session,
if
the
Weigh
Scale
consistently
does
not
restore
to
zero,
check
that
there
are
no
obstructions
under
or
around
the
platform
or
crate.
Fine
mode
In
the
Fine
weighing
mode,
automatic
zero
tracking
is
disabled.
The
icon
does
not
display
in
the
Fine
weighing
mode.