3E2364
Weigh
Scale
W810
v2
User
Manual
Page
8.
If
prompted,
type
in
a
session
note
(can
be
left
blank).
The
session
note
can
be
up
to
alpha
‐
numeric
(including
full
stop,
forward
slash
and
space)
characters
long.
Press
the
key
to
delete
characters..
Note:
Adding
a
session
note
reduces
the
number
of
records
stored
on
the
Scale
by
one.
The
entered
session
note
is
transferred
to
with
the
session
data.
The
software
sets
whether
the
Session
note
option
displays
on
the
Scale.
The
session
note
details
are
stored
in
the
first
record
of
the
session
file.
9.
Press
,
to
save
the
session.
The
new
session
is
created
and
a
statistics
screen
displays
with
all
values
set
to
zero.
The
previous
session
is
closed
and
stored
in
the
Scale's
memory
and
can
be
viewed
using
the
Session
menu.
See
Session
menu
(p
17).