3E2364
Weigh
Scale
W810
v2
User
Manual
Page
previous
note,
either
trait
or
user
entered
note
data,
will
not
be
displayed.
6.
If
you
want
to
view
the
most
recent
trait
record,
recorded
for
this
animal
in
more
detail,
press
the
key.
When
this
key
is
released,
the
display
will
revert
to
the
previous
screen.
7.
If
the
trait
table
is
not
already
displayed,
press
the
key
to
display
it.
Note:
The
animal's
Electronic
or
Visual
Tag
Number
displays
in
the
top
left
corner
of
the
trait
table.
The
weight
gain,
if
one
can
be
calculated
for
this
animal,
displays
in
the
top
right
corner
of
the
trait
table.
8.
The
cursor
flashes
in
the
field
adjacent
to
the
first
trait
label.
The
number
of
characters
able
to
be
entered
against
each
label
is
indicated
by
the
blank
underlines.
Use
the
arrow
soft
keys
to
navigate
between
the
traits
and
enter
the
values
for
this
animal.
Note:
Pressing
the
key
alternates
the
display
between
the
Visual
Tag
Number
entry
screen
and
the
trait
table.
You
cannot
return
to
the
statistics
or
weight
record
screens
until
the
weight
is
removed
from
the
Weigh
Scale.
9.
Follow
the
instructions
for
the
weighing
mode
you
have
selected.
Automatic
Mode
When
the
Weigh
Scale
has
determined
an
accurate
weight
for
the
animal,
it
locks
on
to
the
weight
and
holds
it
on
the
screen.
The
time
taken
to
lock
on
to
the
weight
varies
depending
on
the
movement
of
the
animal.
Manual
Mode
Press
the
green
weigh
button
to
start
weighing
the
animal.
When
the
Weigh
Scale
has
determined
an
accurate
weight
for
the
animal,
it
locks
on
to
the
weight
and
holds
it
on
the
screen.
The
time
taken
to
lock
on
to
the
weight
varies
depending
on
the
movement
of
the
animal.
10.
When
the
Weigh
Scale
has
locked
onto
the
weight:
the
"Weight
light
illuminates;
displays
on
the
screen;
the
Weigh
Scale
beeps;
If
drafting
is
turned
on,
the
gate
number
displays
indicating
the
drafting
category.