-08-15 SOURCE (2LSRC) option
If a RIO-471xx is ordered with the -08-15 SOURCE option then outputs 8-15 are configured to source
current. They will be capable of 5-24VDC with 25mA of current in a sourcing configuration.
Figure 8: Low Power Sourcing Outputs
OP1A should be connected to the positive side of 5-24VDC external power supply.
OP1B should be connected to Ground on the external power supply.
OP1A and OP1B are the Output Power for Bank 1. The output can source up to 25mA of current. The device
should be connected between the digital output DO[15:8] and the return side of the power supply (OP1B).
When current is
flowing though the optocoupler (CB), the 10k resistor pulls-down the output pin to
OP1B. When current
flowing through the optocoupler (SB), the digital output switches to the voltage
supplied by OP1A and is able to source 25mA of current, The
connections in the schematic above are
external connections.
Part number ordering example:
-0-7 or -8-15 SINK/SOURCE
These four options are only available on the RIO-472xx. By default the RIO-472xx has all 16 high power
outputs. These options allow either of the two banks of 8 outputs to be configured for low power sinking or
low power sourcing. For example, if output 0-7 need to be configured for low power sourcing and outputs 8-
15 need to be configured for high power sourcing the option would be (1LSRC, 2HRSC). The circuits for
low power sourcing and sinking will be the same as the circuits for the low power outputs previously defined
in Chapter 4.
Part number ordering example:
-Outputs 0-7 low power sinking, Outputs 8-15 low power sourcing
-QUAD and -SSI
All RIO-47122 Encoder Options will utilize Digital Inputs 12,13,14 and 15 and Digital Outputs 12,13,14 and
15. These digital inputs and outputs will not be available as standard digital I/O when the -QUAD or -SSI
option is ordered with the RIO-47122.
The QE command is used to read the encoder register, the WE command sets the current position of the
encoder (-QUAD only) and the SE command configures the encoder when the –SSI option is ordered. The
78 Appendix