Changing Feedrate:
The command VR n allows the feedrate, VS, to be scaled between 0 and 10 with a resolution of .0001.
This command takes effect immediately and causes VS to be scaled. VR also applies when the vector
speed is specified with the ‘<’ operator. This is a useful feature for feedrate override. VR does not
ratio the accelerations. For example, VR .5 results in the specification VS 2000 to be divided in half.
Command Summary - Linear Interpolation
Command Description
LM xy
Specify axes for linear interpolation
Returns number of available spaces for linear segments in DMC-14XX sequence buffer.
Zero means buffer full. 255 means buffer empty.
LI x,y < n
Specify incremental distances relative to current position, and assign vector speed n.
VS n
Specify vector speed
VA n
Specify vector acceleration
VD n
Specify vector deceleration
VR n
Specify the vector speed ratio
Begin Linear Sequence (on S coordinate system)
CS Clear
Linear End- Required at end of LI command sequence
Returns the length of the vector (resets after 2147483647)
Trippoint for After Sequence complete (on S or T coordinate system)
AV n
Trippoint for After Relative Vector distance, n
Motion smoothing constant for vector moves
Operand Summary - Linear Interpolation
Operand Description
_AV Return
Segment counter - returns number of the segment in the sequence being processed, starting
at zero.
Returns length of vector (resets after 2147483647)
Returns number of available spaces for linear segments in DMC-14XX sequence buffer.
Zero means buffer full. 255 means buffer empty.
Return the absolute coordinate of the last data point along the trajectory.
(x=X,Y,Z or W)
To illustrate the ability to interrogate the motion status, consider the first motion segment of our
example, #LMOVE, where the X axis moves toward the point X=5000. Suppose that when X=3000,
the controller is interrogated using the command ‘MG _AV’. The returned value will be 3000. The
value of _CS, _VPX and _VPY will be zero.
Now suppose that the interrogation is repeated at the second segment when Y=2000. The value of
_AV at this point is 7000, _CS equals 1, _VPX=5000 and _VPY=0.
Chapter 6 Programming Motion
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