The screw terminal for CMP can be configured as input/output common for opto-isolated I/O. Please see next
section for detail.
Opto-Isolation Option for ICM-1460 (rev F and above)
The ICM-1460 module from Galil has an option for opto-isolated inputs and outputs. Any of the
following pins can be chosen to be the input/output common: pin 1 (labeled as +12V), pin 2 (labeled as
–12V) and pin 13 (labeled as CMP/ICOM). When pin 1 is used as input/output common, the +12V
output be comes inaccessible, when pin 2 is used, the –12V becomes inaccessible, and when pin13 is
used, the output compare function is not available. The common point need to be specified at the time
of ordering.
The ICM-1460 can also be configured so that the opto common is jumped with Vcc (+5V), in this case,
no screw connections is needed, and the internal 5V will be used for powering the input/output.
Option for separate input/output commons is also available, this will require the use of both pin 1 and
pin 2 on the screw connection. When selecting this option, both +12V and –12V becomes
IN[x] (To controller)
RP3 / RP1 = 4.7K OHMS
RP2 / RP4 = 2.2K
Figure A-1 – Opto-isolated Inputs
The signal "IN[x]" is one of the isolated digital outputs where x stands for the digital input terminals.
The OPTO COMMON point should be connected to an isolated power supply in order to obtain
isolation from the controller. By connecting the OPTO-COMMON to the + side of the power supply,
the inputs will be activated by sinking current. By connecting the OPTO-COMMON to the GND side
of the power supply, the inputs will be activated by sourcing current.
The opto-isolation circuit requires 1ma drive current with approximately 400
sec response time. The
voltage should not exceed 24V without placing additional resistance to limit the current to 11 ma.
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