You will have developed a feel for 1 to 2 grams of side force, especially since you
are continually handling a tonearm that set to a tracking force in this range.
This method works well with both our supplied Mylar belts as well as with VHS
tape belts.
Measure the belt deflection as mentioned previously.
i. Press on the belt at the midpoint between the motor pulley and where the
belt releases from the platter.
ii. A gram or two of side force (by “feel”) should deflect the belt from 1/4 to 1/2
inch (6-12mm).
Reset both speeds (33/45):
At this point, the belt tension is correct. Re-set both speeds with your strobe
Note that your turntable bearing oil will warm up over the course of about a
record side - the same time it takes for your cartridge’s suspension to warm
At this point, you will note that the turntable speeds up ever so slightly. This is
Re-adjust the speed for a warmed-up condition. We've found that feedback
circuits to control the speed, compromise the overall sonics.
Like the rest of your system, it will sound optimal after a short warm-up.