In the top right corner of the app click on the DFU button (on the right of “Disconnect”) and
select “Distribution Packet (ZIP)” from the proposed options
Get the new firmware file from where it was downloaded
Wait until the graph in the app has shown that 100% of the firmware was transferred, this
may take some minutes
Disconnect the Physilog® by clicking on “Disconnect” and close the tab of the Physilog 6S
Plug the Physilog® to the computer and update the date and time (see above)
Plug the Physilog® to the computer and update the date and time (see
Install the “nRF Toolbox” on the iOS device
Download the latest firmware version from the email to the iOS device
Add the downloaded firmware to nRF Toolbox by connecting the iOS
device to the computer:
Open iTunes and select your phone
Select the “Apps” tab on the left and scroll down
Under “File Sharing” select the nRF Toolbox app and add the Firmware file to the Documents
Physilog 6S user manual v1.0.0 Date: 08.01.2021
Copyright © 2021, All Rights Reserved - Gait Up SA. CH-1015 Switzerland