b. Depending on which products you have purchased, there may be updates
needed. To install these updates click the “install all” button (7) and wait until
all products are updated before launching GAIM OS (8).
3) Place the headset on the floor in the direction you want the shooter to be facing when
playing and press “Q” on the keyboard to set the direction. The shooter should be
facing the two towers to ensure optimal tracking performance. Set the direction right
between the two lighthouses. This process can be repeated if necessary.
4) Once launched for the first time or after any moving to a new location, the in
simulation gridwalls need to be set (9). These gridwalls are a visible representation of
real world structures and are there for user safety. The other items in this menu are a
toggle for setting whether the tiles are displayed in a row or a grid (10), Finally there
are left and right buttons for viewing more products (11).
5) To calibrate the gridwalls, click the gear icon (12).
Summary of Contents for Commercial