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All Purpose Train Control
APTC is designed for unattended op-
eration in public displays, where either
the viewer can start the train with the
push of a button, or the train will start
automatically at timed intervals. Once
running, the train can do automated
station stops at random intervals via a
track mounted reed switch and loco
mounted magnet. The running session
will end with a stop at the station upon
time out. Programmable user parame-
ters allow for many different modes of
operation. Manual speed control is
always available for setup at the
event, or operator intervention in case
of a disaster. The APTC as a great
track throttle for use indoors or out.
APTC is a track throttle than goes be-
tween an external power source (DC Power Supply, Train Power Pack, or Battery) and the track. It controls the
speed of the train, making automated station stops with smooth stops and starts. No “Jack Rabbit” starts and
stops, that are hard on gears.
The APTC can be used in a number of ways …
At Home or Train Shows
Manual track power control with automated station stops or back 'n forth trolley line. Use the Max Speed feature to
limit speed when children are at the controls.
Manual speed control with user programmable momentum
Automated Random Station Stops via track mounted reed switches and magnets on locos
Back 'n Forth Trolley operation via track mounted reed switches and magnets on locos
User Programmable minimum and maximum speed settings
Direction change locked out until train is stopped to prevent gear damage
Emergency Stop button
Commercial Applications
Automated Starts/Stops - Restaurants, Kid’s Dental Offices, or other retail type of environments where you may
want to run trains automatically at programmed intervals. Run X times per hour for X minutes per run, or just
make one lap.
When running on a loop of track, you can add automated station stops for variety, using track mounted reed
switches and a magnet on the loco. Tangent track can be used for back and forth trolley type of operation.
Interactive Displays
User initiated Starts/Auto Stops - Viewer presses a hardwired button (or an optional wireless button) to start the
train. Train runs for X minutes or one lap, with or without station stops. The train only runs when viewers are pre-
sent. It can also be started via an optional motion detector. When the visitors leave, or get tired of playing, the
train will stop.
The APTC Board