A ‘barred’ or ‘SOS’ number may contain up to 8 digits
(‘0’ = barring everything starting with 0, ‘01234567’ =
barring everything starting with 01234567).
When dialling a barred numbers, ‘Refused’ will ap
pear in the display and dialling is cancelled.
You do not have to use all combinations. You can
simply program ‘00’ for the ‘barring’ option to make
sure no international calls can be made.
[ Register ]
Please refer to paragraph 10.2 for a detailed descrip-
tion of this function.
[ Change PIN ]
To register new wireless handsets on the wired
phone, a PIN code is required. In the factory, the
default PIN code of 0000 is set, but you can use
this menu to enter a new 4-digit PIN code
as soon as [ PIN? ] appears in the display, you can
enter the new PIN code, and you don’t have to enter
the old PIN code first)