Section 40
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There is an energy mode selection, Auto or Manual. In the Manual mode, the tank voltage and
energy stay fixed at the user programmed level. In the Auto mode, the tank voltage is adjusted
to provide enough energy to fire all of the plugs but keeps it as low as possible. This helps
reduce plug erosion and thus extend plug operating hours. As the tank voltage is reduced, it
will settle to a value that will maintain all of the plugs firing. The energy gauge will drop to the
level established by the tank voltage. As the plugs age, the kV demand will increase due to the
ever-widening gaps, and the voltage will rise to meet the demand. The energy gauge will also
rise tracking the tank voltage. The energy gauge can provide a good indication of the auto
energy control loop operating and can also be used to help determine or predict the end of life
for the plugs. A maintenance rule could be established to change the plugs whenever the
energy exceeds 95% in the auto mode.
The Help button takes the user to a set of pages where these parameters are defined in
greater detail.
Figure 6.0 Spark Page showing diagnostic messages
Figure 6.0 shows what would appear when there are abnormal conditions. Plug 1R shows a
yellow graph indicating the demand is getting close to the available. Plug 2R has a broken
primary wire therefore it shows an O/P (open primary). Plug 6L shows it has a shorted primary
wire (S/P). Plug 8R shows open secondary (O/S), an indication that the plug wire is broken or
the plug gap is excessively large.