Troubleshooting Tips
• An “Overflow” message usually indicates an output
higher than that specified in the profile type and can be
from the load cell or from an open to the IPM650 from the
sensor. The load cell connections should be confirmed
and the load cell for any overload damage.
• If the sensor profile is locked out a message, “Selected
feature is no available at this time,” will appear. See the
lock setting section of this manual for more information.
• A live calibration can be performed using the calibration
option in the IPM650 profie setup and will require known
loads. The load to use should match the capacity listed in
the profile.
• If the readings are not correct for the applied load, review
the sensor profile and confirm the capacity and sensitivity
for your load cell.
• Profile 1 is a system mV/V reference channel and can
be used to confirm the output of a sensor and help in
troubleshooting any questions in a profile setup.
• In the main menu Diagnostic can be used with the
external setting to confirm the resistance on the output
connections of the load cell.
• In the IPM650 Elite the Display button can be pressed to
show encoder information. This screen must be active for
SENSIT Live Graphing to capture encoder information.