(Function ON/OFF)
Select the setting items "BRK-MODE(CH3)" or "(CH4)" by
(JOG) button up, down, left or right operation. Set the func-
tion to the active state by pressing the (+) or (-) button.
"INH(OFF)" :Function
"ACT(ON)" :Function
(3rd channel brake rate)
S e l e c t s e t u p i t e m s " B R K -
RATE(CH3)" or "(CH4)" by
(JOG) button up, down, left or
right operation, and use the (+)
and (-) buttons to adjust the
Brake rate amount.
- When adjusting the brake amount of both brakes after individually adjust-
ing the CH3 and CH4 brakes, select “B34-RATE”.
(3rd & 4th channel brake-EXP)
With the jog dial, move the blinking cursor up/down, left or
right to select "BRK-EXP (CH3) or (CH4)”. Use the plus (+)
button to adjust for a faster brake response or use the minus
(-) button for a slower or milder brake response.
-When using CH3 and CH4 servos as front brakes and using EXP, set the
(CH3) EXP amount and (CH4) EXP amount separately.
(Delay amount setup)
Select setup items "BRK-DLY(CH3)" or "(CH4)" by (JOG)
button up, down, left or right operation, and use the (+) and (-)
buttons to adjust the delay amount.
: No delay
: CH3 (front) maximum delay amount
: CH2 (rear) maximum delay amount
: CH4 maximum delay amount
Brake mixing adjustment
Adjustment buttons
- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to
make adjustments.
- Return to the initial value by
pressing the (+) and (-) buttons
simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).
Brake rate (RATE)
0 ~ 100
Initial value:100
Brake EXP rate
-100 ~ 0 ~ +100%
Initial value:0
Delay amount (DLY)
(CH3)F100~F1, 0 ,R1~R100
(CH4)100 ~ 0
Initial value:0
Setup item selection
- Select by (JOG) button up,
down, left or right operation.
Function ON/OFF (MDE)
- When using the CH3 and CH4 servos for the front brakes
and applying a delay to the front brakes set the (CH3)F
delay amount and (CH4) delay amount separately.
- When the CH2 servo is used for the rear brakes and the
CH3 servo is used for the front brakes, delay is applied
to either the F (front) or R (rear) side.
Brake Mixing "BRAKE"