10 • BX-240
© Box 73 Amateurfunkservice GmbH 2017
Explanation of the menus
A long press on the left hand button will
call up the menu mode. This offers the set-
up possibilities contained in Tables 2 and
3 (Figs. 13 to 17).
Operating mode
The operating mode makes it possible to
select the measuring and display modes
most commonly used in practice.
Single frequency SWR measurement
The indicators become the actual measure-
ment frequency, the standing wave
ratio (SWR), the effective impedance re-
sistance (Formula
), the impedance reac -
tance (+j/ j), the SWR shown as a bar graph
along with the currently used reference val-
ues of the SOL compensation, (
master calibration,
for calibration on
an actual frequency, or
for uncalibrat-
ed operation).
Table 2: Possible adjustments in the FA V-A4 operating mode
Menu item Meaning
Return Return to the previous mode
SOL One Frequency SOL compensation of the actual frequency
SWR One Frequency SWR measurement of the actual frequency
Z One Frequency Impedance measurement of the actual frequency
SWR Single Sweep Single run of SWR measurement in the specified frequency range
Z Single Sweep Single run of impedance measurement in the specified frequency range
SWR 5 Band SWR measurements of 5 frequencies (5 band measurement)
SWR Cycling Sweep Cyclic SWR measurement run
Z Cycling Sweep Cyclic run of impedance measurement
Frequency Generator RF generator mode
Captured Screens View of saved measurement results (display contents)
Setup Call up the setup menu (see Table 3.)
Table 3: FA- VA4 Setup mode
Menu item Meaning
Return Return to measurement mode
SOL All Frequencies SOL compensation over entire frequency range (master calibration)
5 Band Frequencies Setting the frequency values for 5 band measurements
Language Select the menu language
Backlight Mode Settings for the backlight
Delta Frequency Calibration of the internal frequency
Display Update Cycle Setting the measurement repeat rate
Reset Reset all settings to factory default
Options in the menu