16 • BX-240
© Box 73 Amateurfunkservice GmbH 2017
Display Lighting
The possibilities are
, and
With the automatic option the lighting will
turn off after a time, turning on again after
some user action (button press). It is rec-
ommended to use the device without light-
ing or, at least, in automatic mode as the
current consumption for a graphic display
is quite high (Fig. 28).
Correction of the frequency
All the internal frequency values are de-
rived from a 27 MHz Quartz crystal. A
variation of about a hundred Hertz is not
uncommon and can be compensated for
using software. To do so a frequency of
27.000000 MHz should be set in the
quency Generator
mode. A calibrated fre-
quency counter should be connected to the
analyzer output socket and the difference
between the measured and adjusted fre-
quency determined. After selecting the
menu item
Delta Frequency
press the left
button. The value for
is then adjusted
using the middle and right buttons to the
determined difference (27.000000 MHz
less measured frequency). Press the
button again to select the decimal place.
Repeated pressing of this button will dis-
play the abbreviation
. If the plus or
minus button is pressed now, the FA-VA4
will take the set value as the frequency
correction amount. Now the frequency of
the analyzer output signal should corre-
spond exactly to the set value. Naturally,
in the course of this, changes in tempera-
ture may lead to deviations of the quartz
frequency, a frequency correction here is
at the limits of quartz oscillator stability.
In the case of antenna measurements,
however, a deviation of a few hundred
Hertz or even a kiloHertz is usually non -
critical, so the described correction may
only be necessary in rare cases (Fig. 29).
Fig. 28: Settings for display lighting
Fig. 29: Input possibilities for the frequency
correction factor