F27 - Evaporator temperature (S2) determine the end of defrost
If evaporator temperature (sensor S2) reaches the adjusted value, the end defrost will happen for
temperature. With this , the defrost process is optimized.
F28 - Maximum defrost duration (for security)
This function serves to adjust the maximum value of time to defrost. If in this period the evaporator
temperature will not reach the configured value in F27 a point will be blinking on inferior down right side of
display indicating that the end defrost ocurred for time and not for temperature.
This can happen when the adjusted temperature is very high, the limit time will be not enough, the S2
sensor is detached or not in contact with the evaporator.
F29 - Fan turned on during defrost
It possibilities the fan functioning during defrost.
Natural defrost or by finned resistances installed outside the evaporator.
F30 - Temperature indication (S1) locked during defrosting
This function is aimed at avoiding a rise in the ambient temperature due to the defrost cycle. The last
temperature measured in the refrigeration cycle will be frozen in the display during the defrost cycle. The
indication will be un-frozen when the process returns to the refrigeration cycle.
Note: The value entered in F28 cannot be zero.
F31 - Draining time (dripping of defrost water)
Necessary time for dripping, it means, to drain the last water drops of the evaporator. All the outputs keep
turned off. If you do not need this stage, adjust this time for ”zero”.
F32 - Low ambient temperature alarm
If the ambient temperature (S1 sensor) falls below the point set here during the refrigeration cycle it will be
indicated in the display by the message and the alarm output will be activated.
F33 - Low temperature alarm hysteresis
This value is the temperature difference required to turn off the low ambient temperature alarm output.
F34 - High ambient temperature alarm
If the ambient temperature (S1 sensor) reaches the point set here during the refrigeration cycle it will be
indicated in the display by the message and the alarm output will be activated.
F35 - High ambient temperature alarm hysteresis
This is the temperature difference required to turn off the high ambient temperature alarm output.
F36 - Alarm inhibition time after powering the instrument on
During this period of time, the high or low temperature alarm is kept off waiting for the system to start
working mode. If the voltage is out-of-range or the condition in F20 occurs, the indication will be shown in
the display but the relay will only be triggered after the time set in this function.
F37 - Alarm inhibition time after draining
This function works to inhibit the alarm for some time due to an occasional temperature rise caused by the
defrost cycle. The alarm is disabled during defrosting and draining operations.
F38 - Inhibition time for the open door alarm (only buzzer)
During this time, the open door alarm is kept off (see also F41).
F39 - Alarm time (on cycle)
This is the period for which the alarm output will stay on. The alarm will sound for the following reasons:
High or low temperature (F32 and F34), when the voltage is out-of-range (F42 and F43), and if the
compressor is on without reaching the setpoint (F20).
F40 - Alarm time (off cycle)
This is the period for which the alarm output will stay off.
F41 - Buzzer enabling
Enable or disable the activation of the buzzer. This will sound when either of the two digital inputs is set to
“open door signaling", and the event has been detected.
F42 - Minimum supply voltage (protection)
F43 - Maximum supply voltage (protection)
Maximum and minimum thresholds for the instrument's supply voltage aiming at protecting the outputs. If
the voltage is out of this range, the outputs are turned off.
Note: The selector jumper for the supply voltage must be properly positioned to select between 12 and 24V,
as per the connection diagram shown in item 7 of this manual.
F44 - Offset voltage indication
This parameter lets you adjust the offset voltage indication.
F45 - Time to validate the voltage reading
This is the time that the instrument waits before indication an under- or over-voltage after verifying that the
voltage is out of the range set in F42 and F43.
F46 - Datalogger operation mode (***)
Allows to choose between the following operation modes of the datalogger:
0 - Always Off
1 - Always On
2 - Manual
F47 - Sampling time (time between records in the memory)
This is the time in seconds that the controller records samples of the temperature information, the output
state and the digital input state.
F48 - Minimum temperature change to force writing data to the memory
This is the temperature difference in relation to the last data written in the datalogger so that the data written
in the memory are recorded regardless of the sampling time set in F47. Disabled if zero.
F49 - Variation of the outputs to force data recording:
F50 - Overwrite old records when memory is full?
This function indicates whether the controller should start writing the new data at the beginning of the
datalogger's memory when it is full. This prevents that the latest data recorded from equipment be erased
first. If set to zero, when the data-logger memory is full the instrument and Sitrad will signal full memory.
F51 - Number of defrosts per day (Monday to Friday)
The defrost cycles are evenly distributed in accordance with the number of defrosts set per day, always
considering the preferred time. The value can be adjusted to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 or 12. This function works to
schedule the operation from Monday to Friday
Indicates whether the change in any output will force the recording of data in memory regardless of the time
of sampling set in F47:
F52 - Preferred time to start defrosting (Monday to Friday)
This must be set to the preferred time (reference time) for the daily defrost to be performed. This function
works to set the time from Monday to Friday.
Example: If the preferred time is set to 1 PM (and the number of defrost cycles is set to 4 and the interval is
6 hours), defrosting will be performed at 1 AM, 7 AM, 1 PM and 7 PM on the same day. In the example, the
suggested day is Monday. The idea, however, works for all weekdays.
F53 - Number of defrosts per day (Saturday)
The defrost cycles are evenly distributed in accordance with the number of defrosts set per day, always
considering the preferred time. The value can be adjusted to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 or 12. This function works to
schedule the operation for Saturdays.
F54 -
Preferred time to start defrosting (Saturday)
This must be set to the preferred time (reference time) for the daily defrost to be performed. This function
works to set the time for Saturday.
F55 -
Number of defrosts per day
The defrost cycles are evenly distributed in accordance with the number of defrosts set per day, always
considering the preferred time. The value can be adjusted to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 or 12. This function works to
schedule the operation for Sundays.
F56 -
Preferred time to start defrosting (Sunday)
This must be set to the preferred time (reference time) for the daily defrost to be performed. This function
works to set the time for Sunday.
F57 - Time to start the economy setpoint (Monday to Friday)
This is the time for which the setpoint assumed for process control becomes the economy setpoint
adjusted in accordance with item 4.1 of this manual.
This function works to set the time from Monday to Friday.
F58 - Duration of the economy setpoint (Monday to Friday)
This is the time (in hours) that the assumed setpoint will be the "economy setpoint" for the week days
from Monday to Friday starting from the time set in F57.
F59 -
Time to start the economy setpoint (Saturday)
This is the time for which the setpoint assumed for process control becomes the economy setpoint
adjusted in accordance with item 4.1 of this manual.
This function works to set the time for Saturday.
F60 -
Duration of the economy setpoint (Saturday)
This is the time (in hours) that the assumed setpoint will be the "economy setpoint" for Saturdays starting
from the time set in F59.
F61 -
Time to start the economy setpoint (Sunday)
This is the time for which the setpoint assumed for process control becomes the economy setpoint
adjusted in accordance with item 4.1 of this manual.
This function works to set the time for Sunday.
F62 -
Duration of the economy setpoint (Sunday)
This is the time (in hours) that the assumed setpoint will be the "economy setpoint" for Sundays starting
from the time set in F61.
F63 - Tempo máximo de operação da saída COMP p/ manutenção
Whenever the COMP output is activated the instrument will count its operating time. When the time
counted is equal or higher than the time set in this function, the display will show the message ,
meaning that the compressor must be serviced.
Note: The value adjusted in this parameter will be multiplied by ten.
Example: Value adjusted = 1, then 1x10 = 10 hours for the next service.
F64 - Intensity of the digital filter applied to sensor S1
This filter aims at simulating an increase of environment sensor mass, thus increasing its response time
(thermal inertia). The larger the value adjusted in this function, the longer the response time of the
A typical application requiring this filter is the freezer for ice cream or frozen goods, because when the
door is opened a hot air mass directly reaches the sensor, causing a quick rise in the indication of the
measured temperature, thus causing the compressor to be activated unnecessarily many times.
F65 -
Preferred viewing mode (****)
In this parameter the user configures which viewing mode of quantities the display will work, it can be set
0 - ambient temperature
1 - supply voltage
2 - temperature / voltage (alternately)
F66 - Network equipment address RS - 485
Equipment's network address for communicating with Sitrad software.
Note: A network must not have different equipments with the same address.
Inside the function menu, press the key until the message appear on the display.
Tap the key. The settings will appear in the following order:
Ex: 12:43 - Friday
Day of the week
6.1 - Process stage, elapsed time and evaporator temperature
(S2) and hour-meter
Press , with a short touch, and the process step and the time elapsed (in minutes) in this process
will be shown. Then the evaporator temperature (S2) and the number of hours of the compressor (for
maintenance control) will also be shown.