For management, make sure to follow the precautions below.
The Institution should appoint a person (hereinafter referred to as the “Coordinator”) to manage the
wireless channels for the whole Institution.
The Coordinator must be selected from people who understand the characteristics and functionality
of telemetry systems, and are skilled in operating telemetry.
When installing telemetry, the Coordinator has to understand the precautions for use of telemetry in
The Coordinator is responsible for maintenance of wireless channels and storage and maintenance
of telemeter in the overall medical facilities to give proper instructions to the telemetry users.
The Coordinator should create a management log (hereinafter referred to as the “log”), which
contains a list of the management status of the wireless channels for the whole Institution. When
changing a wireless channel, register it in the log and give proper instructions to the user.
The telemetry user verifies operation of the transmitter/receiver before use.
When interference or breakdown occurs in telemetry communication, the user is required to inform
the Coordinator of the problems.