- Touchpad Pointing Device/Scroll Wheel
Using the Scroll Wheel
The scroll wheel is located to the right of the touchpad (Figure 9). The wheel doesn’t actually turn, but
you can easily move your finger around it in a circular motion to scroll though pages and lists, the same
way you would with a scroll bar. The scroll wheel can also be used to zoom in and out on pictures. To do
so, position the cursor on a picture and move your finger horizontally across the scroll wheel to enlarge
and reduce the size of the picture.
Using the fingerprint sensor as a scrolling button allows
you to navigate through a document quickly without
using the window’s scroll bars. This is particularly
useful when you are navigating through on-line pages.
To use the sensor, slide your finger forwards or
backwards, depending upon the direction you want to
scroll. When you have reached the desired section of
the page, lift your finger.
To use the sensor for fingerprint recognition, see
“Appendix B: Fingerprint Sensor Device” on page 174.
Figure 16. Scrolling with fingerprint sensor